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West Pound
Applesham Farm
Coombes West Sussex
BN15 0RP
Please ring or text 07850 733269 to visit
There is a long drive leading up to the farm.
It is marked Applesham Farm Private Drive
and there is a yellow plastic box
on the corner at the bottom of the drive.
Take this up the hill you will see a cottage at the
top called the guard house.
Don’t take that turn but carry on round
the bend for 10m.
You will see an apex barn with a millstone outside.
Turn left here we are the barn running
along the left of the track.
You can also email us at: or fill in our contact form:
At Swag we love .......
- Beautiful Antique Mirrors and Furniture -
-Providing Sustainable Furniture Restored and Renewed -
-Contributing to your unique Interior Design and Decoration-
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